D&G, Milão, Retrô, Oscar Wilde

>> quinta-feira, 29 de janeiro de 2009

Oscar Wilde, as a symbol of dandy-esque decadence, eternal representation of willingly eccentric elegance, melts with the severity of military inspiration in the D&G F/W 2009/2010 collection. Tailcoats and a prevalence of grey introduce the theme. A luxurious array of clothes to be worn with modern nonchalance, inspired by the ultimate hedonist among Wilde characters: Dorian Gray. Synonymous with the cult of absolute beauty, the character is once again terribly relevant thanks to the much anticipated movie directed by British director Oliver Parker, due to be released in September 2009, as if perfectly timed with this collection release. The D&G’s show embodies Wilde’s visionary soul thanks to printed tailcoats and tapestries on finished garments, whose unfocused images remind us of the imprecise reality of dreams.

Fontes: D&G, Cajon deSastre, M!

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As amigos que sempre vêm por aqui, é muito bom contar com a participação de vocês.

Aos que escrevem pela primeira vez, sejam bem-vindos.

Aos que preferem postar anônimo, saibam que serão liberados se:

usarem o espaço de forma sensata, porque a gente não chega na casa dos outros com libertinagem, esculhambação e nem jogando lixo.

"O Centro por toda a parte, o epicentro por parte alguma." Pascal.

Au revoir.

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